When most people think of an escort they automatically think of a woman. Escorts have gotten a bad wrap through the years often confused with the term hooker. A hooker is a streetwalker who readily exchanges sex for money. That is the transaction.
Escorts, though on the same spectrum of work, are at the higher end. Sex is not implied nor contracted for. An escort is paid for her (or his) time and companionship only. Anything that may or may not happen outside of that would be up to two consenting adults and outside of the paid parameter.
Though not often talked about there are also many male escorts. Some of which reside and work right here in Southwest Florida. Like our female counterparts, there is a wide range of services and classes. From those who advertise on sites like Backpage or Craigslist to those of us who top out the industry who can afford to be selective, managing our own site and running the service like any other business.
Men aren’t the only lonely ones. Women also desire companionship and attention. Often times they are tired of dating and game playing and just want a no-nonsense, fun-filled, interesting evening without having to work so hard to find someone and get it on the calendar.
Relationships and dating really are interesting. Men always claim that women are the clingy needy ones, but the truth is, after a date, us guys get nervous and wonder if you like us as well. We wonder not so much if you will call, but if you will answer us when we call or text you.
In either direction, it is stressful. With an escort, the beauty is that you know the deal. They will never call you. If you would like to see them again, you call and book a time to get together.
While the majority of my male escort counterparts are gay or bisexual, I myself am a straight male escort. I cater only to the lovely women of Naples, Marco Island, Estero, Bonita Springs, and am available for travel both domestically and internationally.
If you are a woman in Southwest Florida and are ready for an exceptional evening out on the town or a nice quiet night in and would like some male company. I would love to hear from you. If you feel the chemistry while we chat, meeting in person is the next step. Give me a call at 239-572-4847 or email me if you are more comfortable larry@UltraClassicServices.com.
I look forward to talking with you!